Dangerous & Hazardous Goods
Need a surveyor for hazardous or dangerous cargo? We can help...
Any goods deemed ‘dangerous’ need to be surveyed before they can be cleared for shipping. Our team of surveyors will inspect any ‘dangerous goods’ and their labels, before taking evidence that all packaging is correct and in accordance with IMDG code.
All dangerous goods must be properly packed for sea voyage in accordance with IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) code. This includes the accompaniment of a dangerous goods note and dangerous goods manifesto. All hazards need to be labelled appropriately and the container itself must be checked for damages and then sealed for shipping.
Our surveyors will make all the necessary checks on packaging and labelling, and then take notes and photographs as evidence of their condition.
This evidence can then be reported back to the shipping line. If the cargo does not match the manifesto, or the cargo is not labelled and secured adequately, then the goods cannot be cleared for shipping.
What's included in the Survey
- Matching of cargo to corresponding dangerous goods note and dangerous goods manifesto
- Inspecting the exterior of the container to check for damages
- Checks completed on all labelling of hazards
- Cutting the container door seal and inspecting goods
- Notes and photographs taken as evidence of the current condition of goods
- Closing and re-sealing of container doors
Many thanks for the report and the quick turnaround between undertaking of the survey and the issue of the report, hopefully first of many.
Our Affiliates
Our company is proud to be associated with the following institutes and regulating bodies.

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